Getting a lot of input, the form of suggestions and criticism from many players are skilled and experienced guitar, Leo Fender working hard with several employees to perfect guitar fender. Then Fender released its new product in the form of a refinement of previous models (fender tele) to a guitar that became known by the name Fender Start or a Stratocaster. Fender Stratocaster was launched in 1954. Leo with a highly intelligent, retaining the model Telecaster that has been overdo has its own fans, and then also market the new variant of the Fender Stratocaster, a guitar which is a product of redesigning the Telecaster.
Fender had already toppled the popularity of its predecessor guitar maker Gibson. Gibson guitars have been circulating in the market since 1902; America is more popular with his acoustic guitar products. But until now, fans both well-known brands that are relatively fixed spread evenly in the world. It is not known who among them the superior, because each has advantages and disadvantages of the product. That’s a quick story about the fenders, a success story from someone who has a high spirit, endless creativity and incredible love of the music world.
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